Wednesday 13 March 2019

Olympic interlocking ring logo

The original interlocking rings logo was designed by Baron Pierre de Coubertin in 1912. Each of the rings represents the five continents: Africa, Asia, America, Australia and Europe.

The colours aren’t random, either. According to Coubertin, “the six colours [including the flag’s white background] combined in this way reproduce the colours of every country without exception. The blue and yellow of Sweden, the blue and white of Greece, the tricolour flags of France, England, the United States, Germany, Belgium, Italy and Hungary, and the yellow and red of Spain are included, as are the innovative flags of Brazil and Australia, and those of ancient Japan and modern China. This, truly, is an international emblem.”

Then each ring is for each continent on Earth
Blue - Europe
Black - Africa
Red - America
Yellow - Asia
Green - Australia

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