Monday 4 March 2019

Initial Ideas for the logo

Since I looked at the research, I tried with different possibilities that the logo can be and fits to what my friend want. First of all, I sketched some quick ideas in simple, clean style but I think they are able to present in a good way after develop more.

Basically, I decided to use my friend's English name be the key thing. His name is Jacky and I took the letter "J" to modify into different possibilities in "handwriting style", "line", "geometric shapes", etc.

I asked my friend which one does he like the most and he told me that he like those ideas that work with the letter "J". Hence, I selected the one below that I think work the best among all and fits exactly what he want.

Basically, it is a typeface called "PT Mono", it looks like just using geometric shapes at all which make the outcome look simpler.

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