Thursday 28 March 2019

Outcome idea

Simply, I want to create something related to the research brief theme (manga). Therefore, I will illustrate some Japanese anime characters and make something similar to storyboard/manga as 3X A3 poster in order to present what I have found over the research. This is a really amazing idea because even though there is no story behind but I can create something similar to the Japanese manga which is a really good experience.

Things about the design
-Only the first frame is in colour mode (Refer to typical Japanese manga, only a few pages are in colour mode).
-Try to avoid putting too much text
-More illustrated characters.

In the beginning, I printed on the recycling paper because it looks more similar to the paper of manga book, however, it couldn't work well as a poster because it is too thin. Therefore, I used another paper (Matt thick card).

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