Tuesday 5 March 2019

Idea development

Since I know which logo fits the best to my friend, I started to develop it more in different colours, positions, sizes, etc. Basically, I took the letter "J" at the starting point and development more. Furthermore, since my friend wants the logo to be really simple so I think it would be better without illustration so that the logo can look really straightforward, point to point and clean. Therefore, I decided to continue development and work just with text and reduce other objects.

I wasn't really sure whether I should put the text horizontal or vertical so I tried with the letter "J" and I selected working in horizontal because it looks better and I like it the most.

The most difficult part is the colour consideration because using the wrong colour can make the logo become another thing. Therefore, I looked at some photographer brands and I found that most of their logo use no more than two colour. In this case, I know my friend usually took photography at night so I think it would be more suitable to use a darker colour. I tried different possibilities and I think Black and White work the best and without the circle make the logo more professional. Therefore, I selected it as the final decision.

Instead of using "PT MONO BOLD" (Letter J), I decided to use another typeface below the letter J which is "STIXGeneral" because putting them together works really well.

At the first stage, I helped him to design a business card for him, basically, the front side I decided to simply use the letter "J" with black and white, while, the back side I tried to use a random photography from him and put at the top left corner and right side is all his contact, what area does he specific on. 

However, after when putting the front and back side of the business cards together, I think they don't really match together, hence, I changed another photography from him which I think works a lot better.

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