Wednesday 6 March 2019

Evaluation of this project

I really happy that I helped one of my best friend in Hong Kong to set up his photography brand, it was a great opportunity to practice my skill, especially in time management. Due to the fact that this was a rush brief (around 1 week) and I know I am not good at time management. Therefore, I tried to do better this time as he is my best friend. I listed clearly what I need to do over the week and stuck it on the wall so that I could see it every day, this really work, I finished the good amount of works that I should have done each day. I will continue using this method to my future briefs.
I quite like the outcome that I have produced, it looks clear and amazing, it fits my friend. If I have more time, I want to help him to make a website so that he can has more than one social media to promote and contact to different people easier, probably I will help him to make it in summer when I go back to Hong Kong.

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