Monday 25 March 2019

Why do I want to study in Japan?

It is true that Japan is one of the most successful countries to produce animation/manga. Therefore, the industry in Japan is always better than in other countries. The character drawing style is quite unique which I did in the last research brief, I really like the style of the animation and manga no matter the characters or the background.

Japan is an increasingly popular and attractive destination for students. As of May 1, 2010, there were about 140,000 foreign students in Japan. The Japanese government is expecting that number to increase in the near future, to 300,000 by the year 2020.

How can it related to graphic design??
As Japanese animation and manga are famous over the world so there is a lot of advertising works for each anime or manga, for example, characters posters. Hence, I want to learn from it and apply it to my graphic design practice. Perhaps, in Asia, Japanese animation and manga are very popular no matter comic books, animation, magazine, movies, etc. Therefore, they all need graphic designers in order to promote their anime. Being an Asian, it gives more chance to me to get the job easier.

Apart from that, as Japan is really close to Hong Kong and the culture is quite similar, for example, the environment, food, etc. Therefore, I am already getting used to it. During some big festival/holiday such as Christmas or Lunar New Year, I can go back to Hong Kong easily to meet my family and friends. During my life in the UK, I can only go back once during summer because of the long distance and high fee. Hence, I want to study in Japan if possible.

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