Monday 11 March 2019


Since I decided the pink to work with, I tried to just use black, white and that pink for the posters so that it linked to the logo. The organization didn't mention how many posters they need so it is totally up to me. I planned to create three series of posters and each of them has individual targets because the event is open to everyone so there may have teenagers, families or other senior people. Therefore, I decided to create a different style of posters.

Three posters included the venue, date and time with the title and logo.

By looking at different previous similar event brands, I want to make something similar but more unique, hence, I illustrated a Japanese woman wearing traditional Japanese clothes mainly in red because it represents to the Japanese flag. The outcome worked really well with the "Sakura pattern", it is a really straightforward and simple idea which I decided this will targeting some seniors, elders.

The organization really liked what I illustrated, then I started to put it to the posters. Linked to the logo, I used the same typeface on all posters which is "851チカラヅヨク-かなA". I really like this typeface because it looks really unique especially because the stroke is more like a brush so it made the text become like calligraphy.

Another poster I decided to target families because when I went to the Sakura festival in Leeds vol.2 last time, I saw a lot of families went to the event. Therefore, I think this is one of the main targets. It is true that all families will go to the event with their kids so in this poster, it should look more cartoon style in order to attract the kids.

I looked at a traditional Japanese toy called "Japanese kokeshi", every Japanese kid should have at least one. Taking this object, I illustrated them with simple shapes.

I put them on the second poster with "Sakura flower" in order to make the kids like the poster. I tried to avoid using black and white for the text in this poster because the background colour is bright already so using white is hard to see, while, using black I think it can't fit the target for this poster. Therefore, I tried with a dark red colour which looks similar to the branch (as there are some Sakura flowers around).

The final poster, I decided to target to young age/teenagers, as Leeds is a place that has many college/university, hence, many students will go to the event. I tried to make this poster more contemporary, usually, younger age of people like things that have strong contrast because it seems more unique, for example, fluorescent colours of shoes. We can always see the market always selling fluorescent colours of shoes especially "NIKE" which try to attract younger age of people.

Therefore, I tried to apply this to the final poster, tried to create a strong contrast. When I developed the logo, I tried to work with black and pink and it created really good contrast. I tried it to work on the poster and the result was pretty good.

Since this is a big event so I also want to make invite card and stickers in order to help to promote the event in more ways. Basically, I took the logo as the core and worked with those two colours (Pink and white) so that is connected to the whole brand.

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