Sunday 27 November 2016

Study task 01


 In this task, we worked as a group to create a wayfinding and see how people reaction. In my group, we used balloons as a sign and we put them on the floor and see how people reaction for example would they kick the balloon? or  would they pick up the balloon? etc. Actually, we wanted to stick the balloons on the floor, however, there was a heavy rain on that day so we couldn't stick the balloons. Hence, we designed to just put the balloons on the floor. We put different colours of balloons because it looks more attractive, we want to attract people focus. Actually the result was quite good because in the video, we can see some people kicked the balloons and used their head to hit the balloons.
  Actually, there are different meaning of the symbols using in the signs. The square give a feeling of ceiling, walls, protection, etc because of the four points of the compass. While, the circle can make people feel more interesting compare with square form, it looks more like a command. For example sun, moon, football or balloons, etc. An arrow is a direction pointer in a sign system.

  By using balloons in our first studio task, we can attract more people and easier to get their reactions. In the book "Signs and Symbols", it said "With a greater effort of the imagination, calling up spherical volume, one is reminded of a ball or balloon.". So we used balloons. However, I think we can try to put something else on the balloon next time for example, we can draw something on the balloons or stick some paper on the balloons so that it can has something to look as well.

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