Tuesday 29 November 2016

Klein Blue

  Klein Blue is a deep blue hue that mixed by a French artist Yves Klein. The letter "IKB" represent International Klein Blue. Klein started to make monochromes  in 1947, it results attaining the creative freedom. In the early time, the works have an uneven surface, later on, such as the present work, are finer and more uniform in texture. 
  Klein suggested that this colour had a quality close to pure space and he believed it is related with immaterial values over what can be seen or touched. In 1957, Klein said that IKB could be maximised which could  create a rich velvety texture and an unusual appearance of depth. In the same year of his exhibition in Milan, he displayed 11 very similar blue monochromes and he said "Each blue world of each painting, although the same blue and treated in the same way, presented a completely different essence and atmosphere.". Hence, even we may see a lot of colours that very similar or even look like the same, however, it doesn't, it can create something that totally different.

  Nowadays, not only tradition methods can create Klein Blue, IKB has been digitalise, we can apply IKB in digitally. We can make IKB in different software by entering their RGB or CMYK values. For the RGB, "Red" is 0, "Green" is 47 and "Blue" is 167. It results "Hue" is 223, "Saturation" is 100, while "Brightness" is 65. For the CMYK, "Cyan" is 100, "Magenta" is 90, "Yellow"is 0 and "Black" is 0. By entering these values, we can easily to apply IKB to our digital designs.

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