Saturday 5 November 2016

Class Critique Response

  During the crit, my classmate suggested some symbol that represent lucky to me so I did some research with the symbol of lucky on the internet.
  1) Horseshoe: The horseshoe is one of the most well-known good luck symbols of the western world. It is believed that the horseshoe used to protect against any form of evil and bring good luck.
  2) Clover: In the early days of Ireland, the Druids believed that they could see evil spirits coming when they carried a three-leaf clover, giving them a chance to get away in time! They thought four-leaf clovers offered magical protection, and warded off bad luck.
  3) Dice and Poker: To take a chance. To risk show yourself to criticism by not following through on a task.

  After that, I started to design a letter with the horseshoe. I made the letter very bold as some of my classmates told me lucky is also representing happy so it would be quite bold. However, I am not sure the bracketed serifs using Egyptian, Antiqua or Franziska. If I use Egyptian, it is too similar to Clarendon. So I may focus with Antiqua and Franziska.

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