Sunday 6 November 2016

Group critique(2) response

  After the critique, I focused to do some research with the horseshoe. The reason that horseshoe is considered as lucky is because horseshoe is made by iron which is a strong metal that keep fire, this gave a strong resemblance of strength and power. 

  Where do horseshoe appear in the past?
- For example, in Mexico, horseshoes are used to create a “El Secreto de la Virtuosa Herradura” (the secret of the virtuous horseshoe) which is a large amulet. 
- Another example, in Turkey and adjacent areas of Greece, the horseshoe is used as a magical protecting agent against the evil eye which is a look given by a person who is envious or dislikes you that is said to cause you harm or bad luck.

  Where do horseshoe appear nowadays?
- Nowadays, horseshoe usually appear in the Casino game "Slot"

- Also, it may appear in jewelry, like the past, it also use to be an amulet.

 But I still like the idea with Casino, it seems more interesting. I really hope I can get more feedback in the final critique to make my design better.

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