Sunday 13 November 2016

Module evaluation

  In this module, I improved and learn different skills which can enhance my further practice. As this is my first module over this course so I felt very excited because it is really different with my foundation course from last year. For example, we are not just describe a work, we have to analysis it critically which mean we also have to give reasons that why we make that decision. I think it is really important to have about three crits per a studio brief because it is the main way for us to get feedback. Feedback is really important and helpful to us because it is the opinion or suggestion that after people looked at our designs. So we can understand which part is good and which part need to improve or change after looking at feedback from the crit. Compare with my foundation course, I really like the format of the crit because I couldn’t have a chance like this to get feedback from my foundation course so it is really useful for my study.
  In my first studio brief, I felt really excited as we were given a word randomly and had to design a logotype based on the random word. To be honest, I felt very challenging at the beginning of the course because English isn’t my first language so I need to pay more attention than others. Luckily my classmates are very nice to me, so I tackled some difficulties and started to enjoy the brief. Generally in this brief, I really like the productions it looks better than what I thought so I am proud of myself about that. As I am not very good at Illustrator. However, after the Illustrator induction, I improved a lot of my Illustrator skill. I learned some new knowledges from the brief like kerning and critical analysis which I didn’t learn in my foundation course.
  In the second brief, we were supposed to have a harder brief because we learned something in the first brief and we should apply those things to our second brief as well. Therefore, we were asked to produce our own typeface from A~Z, not just few letters. I think it is really funny and a good practice for me to improve my knowledge because it was a good task as I could use the skill that I learned from studio brief 1 which is “kerning”, I could designed my typeface by using kerning so I could experience it more which can help me understand more about kerning. During the task, I understand more about the characteristics of most typeface so that it can enhance my understanding and can apply to my feature study as I didn’t know much about different typefaces and different types of serif before. Overall, I am quite proud with my works because I was able to use the skills that I learned from the first brief to the second brief.

  However, I think I should plan my time better in both studio brief because I think I didn’t use the time wisely in both brief. I hope I can use my time better to work in my brief so that I can do my works better. Moreover, I need to ask more questions if I have anything that I don't understand. I think it is because I am afraid to ask questions in front of class so I really want to improve this.

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