Sunday 13 November 2016

Physical outputs

  As I want to display my typeface in a better way, I printed my typeface in different materials.

  I printed the poster in A3 paper because it can show my typeface clearly, if I just print in A4 size, people cannot see the details clearly. Other than just print my typeface in a A3 white paper, I printed it in some colour card paper because I think it would look better and more attractive if I print in something else other than just white paper. I printed my full typeface in a yellow and red card paper. I really like the one that the black typeface with the red card paper, I think it looks very clearly and easy to read. While, in the yellow one, I tried to development with my full typeface more, I made the typeface look like watermark. However, I think the middle one was failed as it looks too bold and unclear. Generally, I tried to avoid just printing in white paper because it looks too simple if I just print in white paper so I printed my typeface in different style with different materials. 

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