Sunday 6 November 2016

Clarendon and Univers example

  I did some research and looked at some example of these two typeface, I wanted to looked at different examples which can inspire me and see how can I make my design better.

  This is the "Casino Night Poster". It used Clarendon as the basic, they changed some in some letter. For example the letter"A". They designed to use white for the word "Casino Night" I guess is because the background colour is quite a dark colour so if they make the colour for example in black, it may be difficult to see the word. One more important is that I can see in this poster, the fonts are quite bold so this is a good idea that inspire to my own design.

  In this poster, it also used Clarendon as the typeface and the fonts are bold. I found both posters have the same point, both posters used bold font for the typeface and the word "Casino Night" also used bright colour. Moreover, each letterform doesn't close with others, there are some space between the letterform.

  Then, I found some examples of the poster using Univers.

  They all used Univers as the typeface, unlike Clarendon's poster, they just made the background very simple to match with the clean style of Univers. 

  Overall, I think those with Clarendon looks more attractive and lucky other than Univers. I feel quite serious when I looked at the Univers. 

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