Saturday 5 November 2016

Class Critique

  In this first class critique, I showed my ideas two my classmates. And I asked two questions which will help me to develop my ideas.
  1) What do you think about the word "Lucky"
  2) Do you think Clarendon font looks more interesting than "Univers"?

 Three people said when they look at the word "Lucky", they think of the horse shoe, A leaf clover, dice and poker. They said these are the symbol of lucky. A people said I can try to do opposite but I am not really understand what's that mean. Someone suggested me can take a uniformed typeface and make it more playful. They suggested me can try to apply a sanserif font to my ideas.

  Actually we did a small activity even it is not during the class critique, I think it is also a good way to get some useful ideas. The task is we write our adjective and pass to others and let them just use line to describe our chosen adjective. Some people drew the clover. However, I found one really good idea, someone said "Lucky" representing super happy emoji which looks bold and smile. 
  Generally, I really like this activity, just using simple line to describe a word. For next step,I will think two ideas with my adjective. And I will look more example of Univers and Clarendon. Also I will start to sketch some ideas.

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