Sunday 13 November 2016

Evaluation Studio Brief 2

  In this studio brief, I think it is more complicated than the last studio brief because we have to design our own full typeface in this brief, not just a few letters. However, I found it is really funny and a good practice for me to improve my knowledge. At the beginning, I didn’t know much about different typefaces and different types of serif but after I did some research, I can understand the characteristics of most typeface, it can enhance my understanding and can apply to my feature study, for example, when I have to design a poster, I know which typeface is the most suitable to apply. Bondoni is a good choice because it mainly used for displays, posters, headlines and logos,especially 
in the fashion scene. During this brief, I did about three crit and I displayed my outputs in the final crit and asked for feedback. In the final crit, I asked two questions.

1: When you look at the typeface, do you feel friendly?
2: What do you think about the idea apply to Casino?

  Many people said they feel very lucky when they looked at my typeface because of the horseshoe. However, some people suggested me to think about applying to other things other than Casino. In order to improve my work, I think it will also be a good idea to apply in "Horse Racing" as it is also similar to Casino, people want to be lucky so that they can get money from the horse racing. Also it is match with my idea with "Horseshoe". Overall, I think I can do better next time because my time planning in this brief wasn’t good enough, I planned to do the lower case as well but because I didn’t use the time correctly in sometime so I wish to improve this in the following brief. Overall, I enjoyed work in this brief because it is so amazing that we created our own typeface. Also, I worked more in Illustrator. Hence, I improved the skill of using Illustrator which is good for my future practice but I hope I can plan my time working on the task better so that I can produce upper case, lower case or even numerals.

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