Tuesday 29 November 2016


  The first picture is the location that I choose for this project, the reason that I choose this location is because this is the place where I live, it is a street in Leeds that call "Springfield Mount" and I selected a part to focus.
  I found ten swatches from this image. Just looking at the sky from the image, I found different "Blue"such as White blue or Milky blue. After that, I looked at the building, I found brown red, dark grey and beige(from the windows). At last, I looked at the ground, I found a range of grey and some brown colour.
  After I picked different swatches, I found that it was very amusing because by just focusing a part from an image, can already find some totally different colours such as beige and dark grey, the brightness are totally different. Therefore, I arrange them from brightness to darkness to create a gradation. I believe it would look interesting if the book is in a gradation tone. 

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