Tuesday 29 November 2016


  RGB is a system that represent the colours to be used on a computer display by using Red, Green and Blue. It can be combined in various proportions to obtain any colour in the visible spectrum. The level of R, G and B can each range from 0 to 100 percent of strength. Meanwhile, based on the RGB knowledge, When combined, red and green light rays create yellow, blue and green make cyan, red and blue produce magenta. Red, green and blue mix to create white (light).

  CMYK is considered as the "upside-down"version of the RGB". However, RGB is mainly for computer displays, while CMYK is used for printed colour illustrations (hard copy- printed paper). C stands for cyan, M stands for magenta, Y stands for Yellow and K stands for Key. In the print industry, cyan, magenta, yellow and black are used as the primary colours, when mixing all colours, it becomes grey. 

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