Saturday 17 March 2018

Module evaluation

  In this module, we worked in individual and collaborative, I think it was a really good opportunity for me to participate some competition briefs or freelances brief, for example the YCN competition is a really great platform for students to participate and use what they have learnt over the course in different briefs, I was really enjoyed doing the briefs. However, I think the time management for me in this module didn't do really well because this module was started a week before Christmas. To be honest, as I went back to HongKong during my Christmas so I didn't really catch up with the works because I haven't backed to my own country for a long time so I was excited to meet my friends, therefore, when I go back to Leeds, I have to catch up the works hardly. Moreover, this module doesn't like other modules, we didn't have much lecture time like other modules so it is really independent. The most unforgettable brief that I worked in this module was the one I designed three logos for my friend's restaurant, it was impressed to me because it was my first time to help my friend design logos and I just finished the outcomes within one day because he need it quick and he really like the outcomes which made me feel success. Overall, I think I should use the time better, I shouldn't put all the works at the last minute to finish it, it will be really stressful. Therefore, I hope I can overcome this problem. But generally, I quite enjoyed this module because I continued to develop my skill learnt from last module and able used in this module as well so I feel really happy with that.

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