Tuesday 13 March 2018

Ideas development

  Basically, we wanted to tell the message to general public through some posters as it is the simplest way to introduce to more people to know about art fund. We decided few ways to promote our message to public.


Art Fund will place advertisements around the London undergrounds and university campuses. By placing advertisements on underground stations, on-campus stunts, university intranets, lecture halls, libraries, student unions and student accommodations, the campaign will reach a large segment of target customers.

University Magazines and Papers

The print ads will show the convenience and savings of Student Art Pass’s features. To illustrate the benefits of Student Art Pass, we will place advertisements on university magazines and papers and will use one-page spread. The design features will be similar to the posters.

  During the design process, I faced quite a challenging problem, due to the fact that there is a colour limitation so I couldn't use that much colours as before, and they provided us only few colours option which made me felt difficult during the process.

  Due to the fact that there is a limitation of colour using so I tried a new skill that I just learnt from the photoshop workshop which is changing the Duotone of a photography and apply it to my design, actually, I just tried with "monotone" as I just wanted to have a dark tone. To be honest, it was my first time to use this skill and I have a lot to improve it but I feel it is quite interest to use it and it is quite useful to do with album cover design.

  Afterward, I created a series of posters to see which are the most suitable to show to public.

  This idea was inspired by Monopoly because the brief asked us to "Bring people look around", in Monopoly, it seems like a cycle and a journey. 

   This is an idea "Go2", basically, it sounds like "Go To" which is really straightforward.
  This is an idea of "Guiding", as the brief asked us to guide people to museum so I designed a group of people crossing the road.

  This is an idea about "Inspiration" as the brief asked us to tell people to "See through".

  This idea is pretty similar to the one with Monopoly and "Go to".

  This idea is about "Art", basically just telling people to "Enjoy", "Relax" and "Inspired". 

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