Monday 5 March 2018

Design development for KFC brief

  Due to the fact that this is my smaller brief so I spent less time on it and just created a quick outcome, I carried with the idea that what people usually eat or share in KFC by designing with flat design, furthermore, I added a quote in the bucket as I feel that quote is really representative to this brief, it was “Friends become our chosen family”.
  As this is my quick brief, I just did really quick digital development to produce the final outcome, I firstly drew the chicken pictogram with the "Share" icon and set the background as the KFC red colour, however, many people said it looks a bit quite week so I just changed my idea with "Flat design" as it attract me a lot. I was thinking about "Party" at the beginning so I drew the icon that can represent "Party", however, some people suggested that I could focus more on the "KFC restaurant" so I changed the icon to what food does the teenage usually order in KFC.

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