Monday 9 April 2018

Survey from my Asian friends who study in Leeds

  I did a survey and asked my friends in Leeds about discrimination. Even though most of them didn't face discrimination before, however, it still have around 40% of my friends faced discrimination in Leeds before which means it is still a serious problem. Generally, my friends who faced discrimination in Leeds faced a really similar problem, mainly young age people shouted at the street and say some bullying things about Asian to them. They said they would help the others if they saw someone who discriminated by others. They think discrimination is a unfair and rude thing, due to the fact of lack education, some people discriminated to others. More than half group from my friends agreed that people in London are more friendly because London is a tourism place where people would be more friendly to foreigners as they may be travellers. Overall, most of them suggested that education can help to reduce and tackle this problem.

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