Saturday 18 November 2017

Module evaluation

  This is the first module in our second year so it started to be more difficult and more challenge compare with last year modules. Moreover, we started this module after a long summer holiday so it was the first challenge that I faced in my second year learning journey. Especially, in the first studio brief as we were asked to work with other people's idea which wasn't our original idea so I felt really challenging to me, moreover, as I am lack experience of making publication so I didn't really know how to make a publication, my book binding skill really need to improve. But I think it was a really good opportunity to work as a professional graphic design as it is really common working for a client so I learned something from it, for example, it is really important to keep chatting with our partner so that we know what exactly the other want, I think I did quite well with my partner in communication. Also, I really enjoined my second studio brief because of the theme that I choose was my favourite thing (k-pop). I think it is really good to apply my favourite in my work. I think making an animation isn't difficult, however, it took me a long time to finish but the process was really interesting. Generally, I think I can read some books about book binding to help myself to improve my binding skill. 

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