Monday 13 November 2017

Idea development (Digitally)

  Basically, I just followed the layout that I drew for my wireframe and made it digitally, first of all, I thought about the device first, generally, it would be accessible with Android and IOS, as I am using apple product so I used IOS as my worked example but it would be the same with Android devices so it doesn't really matter. To start with, it would be easier to have a wireframe outline of an IOS device so that it would show exactly how my app looks like working on a device.


  This is the home page of my app. As I mentioned before, I want my app users can have a peaceful and safe platform for them to enjoying k-pop, also, the red truly represents how exciting of being a fans when seeing their favourite idols release a new album or song. For the font, I decided to use Helvetica because it would be easier for users to read from the screen, I understand that someone may use their phone for a long time so if the typeface looks complex, users may feel very tired to look at it. Therefore, I wanted to choose a really simple typeface.

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