Thursday 9 February 2017

Studio brief 2 evaluation

  In this studio brief, we just have about two weeks to finish the whole project so the main challenge for me was the time usage. But I thought this was a good chance for us try to design something in a short time. I found it was really interesting to work on this studio brief because we could choose an object from a given list and then developed with it and made different designs. Luckily, Ping Pong was one of the option so I picked that immediately because I really like to play Ping Pong. In this studio brief, I learned a lot of things about Ping Pong that I didn’t know before, especially the history of Ping Pong, I didn't know Ping Pong was called “Flim Flam” so I felt really interesting that I could learn some history about Ping Pong in this project as well. I quite like the actual outcomes, I thought it works quite well. I really like the idea of using line to represent the direction of how’s the ping pong ball going, it was simple but quite meaningful. However,  at the beginning of this project, I still worked too complex in my design because I always worried if people could understand the meaning of my posters. Therefore, I put a lots of things that related to Ping Pong. However, the result of that design even looks worse than the simpler design. Therefore, people said my designs look too complex every time in the crits. They always suggested me to work with simpler design and should limit myself, I thought that was my biggest problem in both studio brief which I have to tackle it. Actually, I think the colours that I used in my final design work quite good, it gave contrast to me, however, I made a stupid mistake when I printed the A1 landscape blue poster because I printed the text in Black which was worse than working in White but it still easy to see it. As I had the bookbinding lecture few weeks ago so I wanted to try it and that’s why I made the booklet and leaflet as well, I felt it was really happy because two weeks ago, when I had the bookbinding lecture, I felt it was quite difficult to make a booklet but I was able to make some booklet and leaflet in this project and it doesn’t look bad. Overall, I enjoyed this studio brief so much because I learned and developed lots of things in
this project such as more things about Ping Pong and the bookbinding skill, what I hope in the future is that I should trust myself more because in both studio brief, I worked too complex in my designs because I worried if people could understand my ideas. Hence, I should overcome this problem.

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