Sunday 19 February 2017

Development of my exhibition poster

  Due to the fact that the theme of this exhibition is "Space". Also, as the Prix Pictet has become the world’s leading award for photography and sustainability so I wanted to design my poster with less colour which mainly focus on black and white so that it can save more costs and resources. To make the poster looks more attractive, I added a gradient tone from black to white. I decided to use Helvetica Bold Oblique because of it clean style which can let people read the poster easily, the reason that I use the typeface with italic was because the theme of the exhibition is "Space" so I wanted the font be dynamic. Therefore, using the font with italic can make the poster related to space.

  However, when I looked through my design, I got an better idea, due to the fact that the aim of the exhibition is to display some photographers photos so it would be great if I used one of their photograph into my poster. Actually, I didn't want to make the poster look complex because in the previous module, the feedback said I always made my designs too complex so I wanted to make the poster look simple this time. Hence, I just put the details of the exhibition into the poster such as venue, time or title. I choose the image "Bangladesh, 2014, from the series Land of Undefined Territory" which took by Wasif Munem because I really like the tone of colour in this photograph, it seems quite old, also I didn't know why when I looked at this image I thought about space because of the road at the middle and we can't see the end point of the road which made me feel related to space. Therefore, I decided to use it as the background of my poster, after that, I modified the colour of the photograph in Photoshop as I thought the original photo was too bright and I wanted to create a contrast with the photograph and the type I used in the poster, I made the photography look darker so that it created an old effect and that's why I used whit for the type rather than saving more costs and resources. Overall, I rally like the outcome, it looks simple, the poster fully showed the relation to space.


Final poster

  Due to the fact that I am not really good at folding paper so I just wanted to keep it simple, I looked at the simplest way to fold to A4 from A1 from the internet. Because an A1 portrait size is 594mm x 841mm which mean it contain 8 landscape a4 size (210mm x 297mm). Therefore the simplest way is to fold the A1 poster into 8 landscape A4.


As we just have to submit digitally so I did a digital mockup of how my poster look alike when folded to A4 size. To be honest, I am not really good at doing digital mockup so this is also an important thing that I should practice and tackle so that it can help me to produce a better and professional quality of works.
A1 poster folded to A4


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