Thursday 9 February 2017

Studio brief 1 evaluation

  In this studio brief, I think it was quite different with last module due to the fact the aims of this module was to focus on the process so we did many study tasks for this studio brief. This was my first time to design a wayfinding system over the foundation year and this course so I felt quite excited and worry at the beginning because I saw many wayfinding system works really well and I was not sure if I could design a wayfinding system like them. However, as we did many study tasks in this studio brief, I was able to understand more things about how to design a wayfinding system, especially the second and third study tasks. I remember in the second study tasks, we have to design 50 pictograms in a limited time, I was really scared in that time as usually worked quite slow but it was really a good experience for me to improve myself. When we worked in digitally, I tried to cut from different letterforms and shapes, it was a good start for my whole project because when I worked with my final designs, I also used the same technique and it works quite well, for example the “Skateboard” or “Bin”signs, I just cut from letterforms and then replaced them to make the final designs. Therefore, I developed a lot from the study tasks. During the group crits, when I showed my designs to my classmates, some of them said I focused on too many theme which would make the project even more difficult, it was really a good opinion because I didn’t know I focused on too many theme before they told me so I understand that from now, I should focus on one theme rather than lots of theme so that I can make a better design. Also, I think I should try to make my designs simpler because some of my designs in this studio brief, I think I made them too complex at the  beginning. For example, I used too many colours for the lines at the beginning which made the result of the outcome very complex. However, after the crit, someone suggested me should try to work with fewer colours, I changed the design and it looks simpler but more people prefer it. Hence, this is my main problem in this studio brief that I should improve. Overall, I really enjoyed this studio brief even it was my first time to design a wayfinding system, I learned a great technique which is cut from letterforms, it is quick but works well so I think I can try to use the same technique in the future as the starting point. I quite like the printed map because it looks really clear, it made me feel happy. But what I should prevent next time is not to make my design complex.

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