Saturday 22 October 2016

Logo development

  Logo development




As I got some feedbacks from my class said that in my previous design, the "gd" part looks confuse because when they saw it in the first time, they thought it is "DingPong"

  So, I changed the design, I moved slightly closer between each letter so that it looks more friendly at the same time, it can let users feel "get closer with their friends". I joined the other letterform other than "g" and "d". I joined "i" and "n" and I think it is better than "g"and "d" because I can see they are "i" and "n" easily, it wont confuse with other words. Also, I tried to join "o" and the second "n" together. However, it failed because I couldn't see "on" easily and I thought it looks like "a" more than "on". Hence, I just joined the "i" and "n" together.

  I tried to make different letterform but the one that I like the most is the one that I boxed, I like that because it is really easy to read the word "DingDong" compare with the others. The reason that I made both "D" as upper case is because if I made it in lower case, it looks like a fast food company more than a communication app company. Hence, I just made both "d" with upper case. I tried to make all letters with upper case, however, the outcome looks like a hotel logo so I just made both letter "d" with upper case and it looks like a communication app more.

I tried to make both "d" as lower case.
  I did some research on the internet and I found most communication apps just use a symbol to represent their company. So, I made some symbol in illustrator which represents chatting with people.

  I drew out my ideas first on the paper and see how it looks like so that I can change some details easily.

I made different version for the logo. However, I like the third one on the top the most because it looks most attractive for me. I asked opinion from some of my classmates and they said they
the third one on the top is the best because the colour very match with the letterform, it looks friendly.

I picked six of my favourite designs


I choose this logo for my final design because it is my favourite design compare with others. I think it looks the most friendly, I can feel easy to use the app. I like this gradient colour because I mixed light green and light blue together. Actually there is a reason that I mixed this two colour. As I always see light green used in lots of communication apps such as "WhatsApp" or "Line" etc. Also it represents " Answer the call" on the phone and light blue represents refreshing and friendly. So I mixed both colour and want to tell users that the app is friendly and easy to use.

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