Tuesday 18 October 2016

Given word research (DingDong)

18 October 2016

Given word: Ding Dong
Definition: -The sound of the bell
                  -The sound when you receive a message from a communication apps

 Actually, this word doesn't have any specific meaning, it is just a sound. Therefore when I got this word, I have two ideas at the beginning which are a bell company or a communication app. But I think it would be boring if I choose the bell company as nowadays, people prefer to give a call or message others before they enter to people's house. So I choose to develop "Ding Dong" with a communication app. For a communication app, it has to looks friendly so that users will free easy to use the app. To make it looks friendly, I need to make the design easy to understand and colours should focus on warm colours such as green or yellow.

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