Tuesday 25 October 2016

Evaluation after the final crit

Evaluation after the final crit

  During the final crit, I showed six of my designs to my class and narrowed down to my favourite one.

  My class said this logo really feel friendly when they looked at it, the gradient colour match with the letterform with white colour. However, they said I can think about what functions does the app exactly have because I didn't think about that when I working on my project. For example, Instagram mainly for users upload or view photos and videos. While, messenger mainly for users chat with people. Therefore, they suggested me that to make the app able to competing with other social apps, I have to think about that. 
  Generally, I think I learned a lot of skills in this brief for example kerning, critical analysis etc. It is really a good starting exercise and chance to improve my knowledges in this course. 

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