Thursday 20 October 2016

Class critique

 Class critique

  During the class critique, I showed this design and how did I developed it, also asked three questions to people.
1) Do you think it is easy to understand or see the word"DingDong"?
2)Do you think the colour is match with the word?
3)Do you feel friendly when you look at the design?

  Generally, people said it is easy to understand and read. They like the concept and the fluidity of the design. However they said the second "d" and "p" is quite confuse because when they first looked it, they thought the word is "DingPong" other than "DingDong' and the "gd" part looks like a upper "P" on the "D" side. Therefore, they suggested me to try to attach other letterforms together instead.
  Apart from that, they said the colour is match with the word due to the fact that the background is yellow which is bright and awake, so it represents talking. Also they said it would be better if I try to add or change another colour for the letterform other than black.
  They also said they felt friendly when they looked at the design as the colours are warm and I can try to make the yellow softer.
  In order to make my design better, I will definitely change the "gd" part as I feel confuse too with the second upper "D". Hence, I think I will try to join "i" and "n" in my next design. Also, I will try to make a gradient tone for the background as it looks more interesting. As I did some research about the rebranding of Instagram, they also added a gradient tone for the logo, users feel more friendly about that.

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