Wednesday 19 October 2016

Initial Ideas sketching

Initial Ideas sketching

  At the beginning, I typed "Ding Dong" in different typeface. Because I am doing a communication app for my design, so my target audiences are general public, but mainly focus on teenagers as they are the main customers or users in the world. So my design has to be simple, interesting and friendly so that users can feel easy to use the app. Due to this reason, I designed to use Futura as my typeface as it looks simple, all strokes in each font are made of a single line but it still interesting which can help to make users feel friendly.
  Therefore, I continued to develop my design with Futura. I sketched lots of ideas for example upper case, lower case, kerning, language, size of the word, wave, etc. After I did the sketching, I really like the idea that make the word like a wave because "Ding Dong" is a sound which like a movement, it will looks more interesting because each letter looks dynamic. Therefore, I will focus to develop my design with the wave or movement between each letter.

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