Tuesday 18 October 2016

Companies/contemporary designs research

18 October 2016

  Because I am doing the communication app, so I looked at different companies how do they design with their logo by colours, letterform or spacing.


 First, I researched the logo of a communication app "Whatsapp". The letterform is a single word and follows proper capitalisation, which is "WhatsApp" not "Whats App". It mainly used bright colours, for example light green and white. I feel friendly when I look at this logo because of the warm colour, I feel I can keep in touch with my friends easily by using this app. After that, I researched to another app which is "Instagram". They finally changed their logo after six years since the app released (in 2010). The new logo was inspired by the old one, so it still remain the camera but it looks more simple and they changed the colour to gradient form which looks more attractive. 

  All communication app logo looks simple but it make us feel interesting because of the colours or the letterform. For example, "Instagram" changed the colour to gradient form in their new logo, I think it looks better than the old one because I feel more friendly and positive when I see the gradient colour. 

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