Wednesday 19 October 2016

Group Crit Response


  After I got many useful feedbacks from my classmates and tutors, I changed my design.

  First of all, I changed the text to black and white and started to develop my design with black and white. Because black is the easiest colour that people can see. After that, I also started to make my design as a wave by using the function in illustrator which is call "Envelope Distort" and then selected the style with "Flag". After I did this, I tried to do some kerning with some letter for example I joined "i" and "n", "g" and "d" together. I also tried to rotate some letter, however, it does't look good so I just skipped this idea. So at the end, I joined the "i" and "n", "g" and "d" together and then I put a small "TALK" under the word "Ding Dong" because it looks much better also it can let people know this is a communication app easily.

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