Thursday 11 May 2017

Module evaluation of OUGD404

  Actually this module taught me a lot of graphic design techniques such as book binding, folding, etc. To be honest, I didn't know these kind of things before I started this module. The best thing in this module is to teach us many useful things in layout, type, colour and format which I didn't learnt in my foundation course. This module gave me an opportunity to enhance myself to become a stronger and more professional graphic designer. The greatest thing I have learned from this module is to make my layout/design simpler so that viewer can read it easily. As I thought it would be better if the layout is more decorated before I started this module so I always worked too complex in the layout, however, tutor showed many examples to me during the lecture and I found that most of their designs look really simple and even work better than a complex design so I started to limit myself to make my design simpler. I really like the output of those two booklets, as that were my first and second time to make a booklet so my skill was really good and I did again and again until the final publication. Even the outcome may not look perfect but I really enjoyed the process of making the booklet, during the task, I understood that it would be better to design in indesign as it works easier than illustrator or photoshop in this case. Moreover, it is better to design in landscape paper so that it can be fold easily and produce a booklet. Overall, this module taught me a lot of things which helps to improve myself to be a more professional graphic designer, what I should improve is try to read more books rather than just search on the internet because I am a lazy person to be honest and I hate reading book because of the language barrier (English isn't my first language and I have to translate) so I don't like reading the design book. Hence, I really want to tackle this problem, what I can do is try to read some theory books with more illustration so that it helps me to understand easier.

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