Tuesday 2 April 2019

Initial Ideas

Looking at the English version logo, I have a simple idea, as the original logo looks simple, it is like used San-serif typeface. Therefore, I planned to follow the simple structure and try to create the translated one.

The translated name of "Marks&Spencer" in Cantonese is "馬莎". Due to the fact that the original logo looks really simple with the strokes. Hence, I want to create a new translated logo with a similar style if possible.

I tried a few possibilities that I did in my COP project at the beginning stage before I had any specific ideas (Cursive writing, geometric shapes, and stroke weight). As these three are the most common and useful that I think when writing traditional Chinese characters, people usually modified with.

Simply I worked on a grid paper roughly first so that it would make me easier to write or design the characters. Basically, I tried three possibilities on the translated characters quickly, generally, I think the one worked with geometric shape(rectangle) match with the English logo quite well. Hence, I will development more by this characteristic.

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