Tuesday 2 April 2019

Blackletters idea

Due to the fact that "Marks & Spencer" is a brand that has long history, Marks & Spencer was formed in 1884 when Michael Marks, a Polish refugee opened a market stall in Leeds, with the slogan ‘don’t ask the price, it’s a penny’ and it developed to a large brand nowadays.

Therefore, I looked at Blackletter, it is also known as ‘Gothic’ was created during the 12th-century at a time when more and more people began to read and write. The demand for books was increasing and they had to be written fast to meet that demand. This style of the typeface is recognizable by its dramatic thin and thick strokes, and in some fonts, the elaborate swirls on the series.

Because of the elaborate style, I think it could make the brand looks gorgeous. The problem is how to make traditional Chinese characters with Blackletter style.

I tried to draw the traditional Chinese characters with blackletter style, it wasn't that easy because normally, only alphabet/western languages have blackletter. Hence, I tried the things that I did from COP3 and apply in here.

Basically, I tried to make it like "Calligraphy/cursive writing style/Classical Chinese" because I think both of them have a similar structure which may be able to mix together. However, the result didn't work that good and match to the original one so I gave this idea up.

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