Sunday 17 February 2019

Idea development

In the beginning, I sketched the general ideas on the papers first so that I could know and see how the design will generally like.

I started with the digital version first because it will be a lot faster than a hand draw poster, everything can be done quicker.

At the first stage, I tried to write "KFC" by digital pad by using the KFC colours, however, it doesn't look good so I tried to make it better in another way, but I like the idea that drawing the "KFC" with hand. Other than that, I tried to make the KFC logo become "3D version" so that it looks more unique.

While, I think this look too similar to the usual one, where I tried to combine both versions in order to make the digital poster. When I make the digital poster, I found a lot of pictures that KFC staffs prepared the chicken by hands to do the "Collage" style because it is a good way to promote the message to audiences. KFC was set up by Colonel Harland D. Sanders so he is the most iconic when people talking about KFC which we can see it from the KFC logo. Therefore, I believe if I add his face into the poster, it is more iconic.

For the hand draw poster, I spent most of the time on it during this brief because it is more related to the main idea the brief want us to promote(Hand-prepared chicken). Therefore, using the hand to create a poster to promote the message is really meaningful.

Unfortunately, hand draw poster can't like digital posters than can "redo" or "undo", therefore, it is the most difficult when drawing posters by hand. In this version, I draw every product that KFC has but specific on chickens because it is what the brief asked us to do. Also, the "Hand prepared" is the main key, however, I made a mistake on it because when I drew the word "Prep", I realized that there was not enough space for me to complete the word. That was the only mistake that I made on this poster.

Luckily, my tutor suggested to me that I could scan it to the computer and edit it in order to tackle the problem. As a result, I could solve the problem easily by a computer.

Afterward, I just created some posters in a collage style and a slogan on the KFC product presenting "KFC chicken is prepared by hand", it just took a short time because it wasn't my main focus area in this brief.

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