Saturday 16 February 2019

Digital poster style

For the digital version of poster, I decided to make it with collage because it is quite common style to work with posters and it looks interesting and unique which helps to promote the message to customers easier.

Collage, from the French verb coller, meaning 'to glue,' is the artistic process of gluing and assembling various materials to a flat surface. Collage can refer to both the actual procedure of cutting and pasting (the verb), as well as to the final artistic product (the noun).

Sir Eduardo PaolozziMeet the People 1948 

Collage used to be just worked on pieces of paper, photographs, fabric, etc which were physical materials, however, designers started to move this technique to digitally. I think the result will be funny and interesting so that the general public can receive the message from KFC because of the interesting poster.

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