Monday 25 February 2019

Idea development

Suddenly, both of us got an interesting idea about our logo, due to the fact that our organization is about animal welfare so we think it would be great to make the shape of the logo related to the animal. As the most common animal being abandoned is dog so e tried to use dog footprint and changed the text "Abandoned Animal Rescue" to "AAR" as the short form. We changed the typeface from "Optima" to "Helvetica" in this case because it works better on the logo with Helvetica.

At last, we came out the logo like this:

I developed a series of posters so that each of them looks more unique and can make the public feel more interesting and attractive. Basically, the posters we created were pretty similar to some objects that we drew by hands, we modified it from the computer to make it more professional. We decided to use the same colour that we used on the log(mint blue) so that is linked to the whole campaign.

Since the above one just drew by hand so the heart shape wasn't looking perfect, while downstairs one modified by digital software, however, the quality was quite poor. At that time, someone suggested to me that I could join both together, using each advantage and joined them together to form a great outcome. The heart represents "Our love to animals".

We really like this quality of outcome, it looks attractive and the heart shape looks natural when connected to the dog body. Then, we moved on to develop more posters. Basically, our logo is the main core of the whole campaign no matter when we develop digital outcomes or physical outcomes.

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