Saturday 16 February 2019

Doodle art for hand draw poster

For the hand-draw poster, I looked at different examples of doodle art which I think it will be great to apply it to the hand draw poster. The main reason is it looks completely different with the output that making with digital process.

Basically, doodle art is an unfocused drawing made while a person's attention is otherwise occupied, also, doodle drawings have concrete representational meaning or just simple shapes in the drawings.

It's the easiest thing to do and easy on the common media, such as paper, pen and pencil. Hence, when I decided to create the hand-draw posters, this method is the most suitable way to work with. Popular kinds of doodles include cartoon versions of teachers or companions in a school, famous TV or comic characters, invented fictional beings, landscapes, geometric shapes and patterns, textures, banners with legends, and animations made by drawing a scene sequence in various pages of a book or notebook. I believe that making a hand draw poster using this method would be able to make people focus so that we can deliver the core message to customers easily.

According to the definition, doodle Art itself is a style of drawing by doodling, look abstract, there is that does not contain meaning, but also there are some significant, often resulting work does not have the correct shape but it looks unique and interesting. Hence, it is exactly different to digital results as digital works normally looks more "stiff". However, doodle art itself is a style of drawing by doodling, look abstract, there is that does not contain meaning, but also there are some significant, often resulting work does not have the correct shape but it looks unique and interesting. Therefore, it is more unique and special.

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