Wednesday 1 March 2017

Research for studio brief 1

Book Analysis:
  This was my first time to read this book, in the story, the main character Adrian is about thirteen years old and an incredible worrier. He got lots of problems in that time such as being in love and the relationship between his parents. As this was my first time to read the book so if I fully read the book, it takes me a long time. Hence, I just skim-read the book and the summary, I found that the main plot in the story was Adrian got in trouble because of wearing red socks at school, he did that because he felt rebellious. Therefore, the main object over the book is the red sock.

 Previous book cover analyses:
  I looked at different book covers and the previous winners from the award with the same book, I found a similar point that most book covers have, they mainly used curvy typeface in the book cover.
I thought it was because the target is the children so it would be easier to attract children’s focus as they like more decoration things. Moreover, I found that some covers played with the typography by using ink, for example the top right cover, when I looked at that cover, I thought it was really interesting that the type used for the title was played with ink like the letter “D” or “M” so I thought this was really interesting and inspired me. Basically, the covers of this book were quite simple even it is a children book so I did my cover quite simple as well.

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