Wednesday 22 March 2017

Design development

  Since I got the idea that I wanted to develop more, I looked at different examples from the internet, I found one example that I really like because of the colour used in the poster works really well. I was think to use red for the words or characters because in Hong Kong, red represents luck and happy during the Lunar New Year, I thought if I used red in my poster, it would be meaningful. Also, as I used bright yellow for my background, it would be easier to see the red. Basically, I wanted viewer to focus on the red so that I decided to use a bright colour for the background just like the example that I found on the internet. To create more contrast, I made the characters have two layers, the back layer, I used black. And red for the front layer so that it creates more contrast when black and red put together. I know that yellow and red can also create a strong contrast so I tried to work with yellow and red, however, the output was really bad, even it created a strong contrast, I didn’t like it so I just kept my first design. The reason that I just applied black for the texts on the lower part of the poster was because I wanted viewers see “2017” and “Happy New Year” at the beginning so that they can know the main purpose of the event in few second. At the bottom, I put four set of number in red, actually these numbers were the past “Year of the Rooster”. Actually, I wasn’t sure if I should put this in my poster or not because it seems useless information, however, I just want to let people know more about the Asian Lunar Zodiac as one of the aim of the event was to introduce the Lunar New Year culture to western people.

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