Tuesday 30 January 2018

What are the factors influencing discrimination??

  It is classified to two factors influencing to discrimination.

Prejudices: Some people form the opinions about some people or something without even knowing the real story. It leads them to treat people differently. For example, what will people think if the son of a footballer makes debut with a normal kid? They will think that footballer’s child will play better. It is prejudice.

Stereotypes: Stereotypes are the next level of prejudice. If people are a stereotype, they may have a distorted view about something. For example, sports are only for boys or pink is for girls. It is the influence of stereotype at an early age. It leads us to have strong ideas about things, people, and ideologies. As they age, their hate for particular things, people, cultures, beliefs, and languages get deeper. It leads them to discriminate or show bias.

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