Saturday 21 January 2017

Final design and outcome

  I selected these pictograms as my final design because I thought they work the most success which are easy to understand the meaning.Those colours that I used for the guide and time information were mainly in bright colours because in one of the group crit, someone suggested me to use bright colours because it is easy to get people attraction rather than dark colours. In the guide, I also used Helvetica, it was the same reason that I choose to use for my pictograms, people can read easily.

 As my classmates said my first version of map look confuse. Hence, I just use one colour for the line in my design, it looks easier to read and I asked someone from the class do they think the second version of map better than the first one(with more colours), they agreed that this version look better and they can understand the map easier. Moreover, I added a short black line in every "Turning point" so that the reader can know that which road has different direction.

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