Sunday 8 January 2017

a series [minimum of three] Marber Grids for three Penguin Classics of your choice

  In this task, we were asked to design three Penguin book covers with Marber Grids of our choice. I choose "Barking of bagels", "King of swords" and "The Nowhere man". At the beginning, I looked at the original covers and see how it works.

"Barking of bagels":
  The book "Barking of bagels" is about a dog and bagels so I got an idea that my cover should focus on this point. Hence, I used different size of circle and created the bagels and then I drew a dog inside the circle of the bagels so that it looks related. The colour that I used for the cover was light blue as I didn't want to use too much colour which may make readers feel difficult to red and it is a teenage book so I wanted to use a joyful colour and attract to teenagers. For the font, I used Bodoni 72 Bold because I really like the style of the font, it is a serif font and really modern so people can read it easily.

"King of swords":
  The book "King of swords" is about a prequel that takes place over a two year period from late 1980 through late 1982 so I wanted to use some old and serif font as I wanted to use fewer typeface with my three covers. Therefore, I used Bodoni 72 Oldstyle with Book Italic, the reason that I decided to use the typeface with Italic was because it looks better than san serif font. Due to the fact that it is an adult book so I didn't want to make the cover look too childish, I wanted to make the cover be look more mature so I drew two swords which represent both kings and I drew a skull between both swords because it represents both kingdom fight together. As I wanted to make to book look mature, I used the pentool and drew some fire so that the cover looks awesome and attractive.

"The Nowhere man":
  To be honest, I didn't read this book when I was doing the task so I just looked at some previous covers and got some inspiration from that. I knew that the book is about criminal and most covers hided the character's face. Therefore, I drew a man with a hidden face. Due to the fact that the story described that the man as Nowhere so I wanted to make the cover look mystery. I designed three version of it, the first one I used a forest as the background, the second I used an old paper as the background, while I just used black and white in the third one. When I asked my friends which one was the best, they said the one worked with black and white worked the best because it looks the most mystery and simple. Actually, I used the same typeface with my "King of swords" cover design which was Bodoni 72 Oldstyle with Book Italic because it works really well with this typeface in here, it looks mystery in italic rather than just bold. Therefore, I choose the one worked with black and white as my final design.

  I really like the outcomes that I have produced, it looks quite well, especially "The Nowhere Man", I really like that even it just contained two colours but it looks attractive. Hence, I should use Marber Grids in the future when I designing the book cover, it helps to make the work more organise and work better.

Mockup of my book covers:




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