Monday 5 December 2016

Six Klein Blue examples

  The cover for “Fathom architects”. It used Klein Blue as it's all about depth of thinking, so the name idea. Klein blue is a twist on depth of the sea and good old fashioned architects blue-prints. Blue was 
a real gift to the concept.

  This is the logo of Pepsi in 1973. Even the logo just used few Klein Blue but I can feel happy when I see the logo as it mixed with different colours that looks really happy and Pepsi is a cola drink company so if customers feel happy they may buy the drink.

  Visual identity and website for Studio By Night / Victor Vieillard, light conception studio and set designer artist.

  This is a logo of badminton. I really like the idea that using Blue and Red as they are the Primary Colours, putting them together, I think can create a contrast easily.

The Flag of Europe, I think the Klein Blue used in the flag is really good as it looks very peaceful and it represents the sky, when I look at the flag, I feel peaceful, there is no war in the world anymore.

  This is the logo of SAMSUNG. Actually I am not really sure about if this is exactly Klein Blue or not as it looks a bit darker  than Klein Blue. I think even this logo is quite simple but it already let me think the brand is trustful because by using “Klein Blue” in here, I can feel the company is professional.

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