Friday 2 December 2016

Blackletter(Study task 3)

  In this lesson, we used different materials to create a set of pictograms and a signage system for a hospital that uses blackletter typefaces. In this task, we weren't focus if the outcome is pretty or not, we have to focus on the "Time". Also, I cut some outcome into different pieces and replace them to form a pictograms and signs, the quality is quite good.

  In this task, I mainly used different size of brushes, ink, black marker or roll, etc. I added some water into the ink so that it won't be too dry.

  At the beginning, I couldn't control brushes very well so some of the pictograms and a signs were quite bad such as some of them were too thick. However, after I did for a time, I was able to use brushes well. As I did some research about Blackletter before, I know that one of the style of Blackletter is the elaborate swirls, so I tried to do this with my signs as well.

  After that, I cut it into different pieces and replace and stick it again. At the beginning, I didn't have much ideas, so I just cut them without any ideas, however, when I replaced them and tried to see how they look like, I got some ideas. I tried to do some "arrows" signs, "visitors signs" and "information signs". I think cut them into different pieces and stick again is very fun because it looks very attractive so if it use as a sign, people can focus and understand it easily.

  In order to make my pictograms and signs to digital, I started with black and white. As a good pictogram or sign system should be easy to read so I made them very easy to understand. To test if it works or not, I asked my friends if they can guess the meaning before I told them. The result show that most of my signs are easy to understand.

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