Monday 5 December 2016

Evaluation of making the Booklet

  I feel really amazing to work with this task because I can produce our own booklet even it may not looks perfect but it is my first time to design my own booklet. During the task, I learnt many things, such as how Josef Albers use of colour or how colour use in graphic design. I found it is really interesting that just took an image and then I can already make a booklet that using swatches from that image. Actually I think my swatches are quite a sad tone because I think it looks like an “Autumn” tone, those colours aren’t like Yellow, green or Red that kind of “Happy Colours”. I really enjoyed to do this task, I hope I can produce more booklet in the future.

  I feel really safe this time because I almost cut some words so I hope I won't make this mistake again in the future, to prevent this, I can make a "Safe Mark" in illustrator so that I can know which area is safe and which area will be cut. While the colour, I used a gradient tone from light blue to grey which helped to make the book looks better. However, I think I can do better with the layout next time, I put the text to close with the bound so after I print the book, I found it was too close and some of the text may cut out but luckily that it didn't happen this time. Therefore, I should put the group of text at the centre so that it won't be cut out.


  Overall, I quite like the outcome of this book, for the typeface, I used a sans serif type which was Myriad Pro as I wanted the readers read easily due to the fact that it is an A5 booklet so the size is quite small, if I use some serif typeface it may be too difficult to read the details. When I printed the book in the studio's printer, I found that the printed colour is not that good as those in the printing room, however, the reason that I choose to print in that printer was because I could insert my own paper to the studio's printer, I can't do in those printer in the printing room. Therefore, I inserted my own paper and printed from that printer.

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