Sunday 13 January 2019

Similar campaign/orgainzations

Since this became a serious problem, some organization started to create some campaigns in order to tell how serious the problem is, however, the problem is worldwide but there is a lack of animal welfare organizations. Therefore the problem still occurs every year.

League Against Cruel Sports:
Due to the fact that hurting and killing animals for ‘sport’ is one of the principal causes of animal cruelty in the UK, hence, the organization is here to protect these animals by different ways.

  1. Investigate animal cruelty, often working at great risk, exposing and helping to bring to justice those behind illegal hunting and dog-fighting.
  2. Campaign for stronger animal protection laws, and have successfully seen off attempts to weaken the hunting ban.
  3. Educate members of the public, government officials and elected representatives across the UK so that they better understand the ways in which animals benefit us all. This is the most common way and the most efficient way to tell the general public.
  4. They protect hundreds of thousands of animals including foxes, badgers, deer, and hares in their wildlife sanctuaries and areas where they own the 'sporting' rights, covering thousands of acres.

Personally, I really like their new logo, it looks simple, the shield is really meaningful because it gives a strong emotion to viewers that about the protection to animals.

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